Monday, July 9, 2012

5 Boyfriend Signs He's Leaving You - How Do You Know When A Relationship Is Over?

While these boyfriend signs he's leaving you may be crystal clear to almost any man, they might not be spotted so easily by a woman.

Not only does the way men communicate (or fail to) about love and marriage often confuse women, when she's very much in love and doesn't understand why he seems to be pulling away, she isn't likely to see the right signs.

She may respond by trying even harder, if she just wants him to commit to her.

So, if you're that woman, how do you know when a relationship is over, or the end is coming?

Here are some of the signs men send that signal they want out:

1. He Doesn't Keep His Promises - at least, not to you

These might be major, such as remembering to book a vacation or put in for time off from work, or minor, like remembering to stop on the way home to pick up bagels for Saturday morning's leisurely breakfast in bed.

This one is about any promises there are between you, because 'forgetting' them, not just now and again but if that is becoming a regular habit lately, is a clear sign that you, and that the things you want or need, just aren't on his mind.

If that's true, you have to consider, what (or who) is in his thoughts? Is he consumed with problems at work, the health of a friend or family member, perhaps his kids if he has them... or is there someone else?

2. There's Less Intimacy Between You...

Or it could be that physical closeness and those 'couple' moments have just about vanished. It's a big boyfriend sign if he no longer wants to touch you, so hugs or cuddling in front of TV happen less and less, or not at all.

There may still be sex, but it's different, and he isn't willing to linger in bed or he just falls asleep immediately after. In bed or out, the intimacy has faded away.

He may stay up later, and get up earlier, so you're only really physically close when you're both asleep.

3. He Doesn't Want to Spend Time Together

Not wanting to spend time with you is another big boyfriend sign that he's leaving you, and so is 'forgetting' to let you know he'll be away, or be late, or not calling when he is away, or ignoring your calls/texts.

Not wanting to spend time with you and your friends or your family is another big signal that you shouldn't expect a future together.

4. What About Money?

How a couple uses (and shares) what they have, including their time and possessions but particularly their money, says a lot about the state of their relationship.

Does it seem like recently he has less money? It could be that he's spending elsewhere, or saving up to get his own place (if you own your home or it's your apartment) or for other plans that don't include you.

Of course, it could also be true he's saving up for other reasons including a down payment for a home that suits you both, or a honeymoon.

5. Listen To How He Talks...

To you, and to others, including finding out how he talks when you're not around. If there's more "I" than "we," he is probably already un-coupled in his mind, he just hasn't left yet.

Have you read these boyfriend signs men send correctly? Are you waiting for a man who may say he loves you, but doesn't see you as The One, the person he plans to build a future with?

Could it be he's already moved on?

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