Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What To Do If You Still Have Feelings For Your Ex Boyfriend

Wanting to get back together with your ex boyfriend and not knowing if they share the same feelings towards you is pure torture. At the same time just going up to him and asking point blank isn't really an option. After all he might not even realize that he still wants you back himself.

If you still have feelings for your ex boyfriend and want to know if he also has feelings for you, then answer these questions:

Does your ex boyfriend still want to be friends?

If yes, then great. That means he wants to know what is happening in your life. Even better it means that you have a chance to get closer to him and see if your feelings for him reciprocate. The important thing to do from this point is pay close attention to the conversations you two have. He's going to let you know just how he feels and doesn't even know it.

Does your ex boyfriend still ask for your opinion?

Even if he has moved on thinking about dating someone new, if he's asking for your advice about her that is a good sign. If he was used to consulting you about what to wear or what classes to take and still calls or texts to ask your opinion this is a surefire sign that your ex still has feelings for you.

When you talk, does your ex bring up the past?

First of all, just the fact that he's still keeping in contact is a good sign that he still has feelings for you. If he likes to bring up good times you shared as a couple before you broke up that's an even better sign. This means that he still thinks about your relationship and even though it had it's troubles he can still remember the good times.

If the two of you fell in love with each other once, then it's full possible that it can happen again. Once you've asked yourself the questions here and know that he still has feelings for you too, you need to show him that getting back together with you is the best option for him.

One of the things you should never say to your ex boyfriend when trying to get back together with him is, "I really need you back!" He needs to come to the realization that he wants to get back together with you all on his own. To do that you will need to communicate with each other. If he thinks that you're about to break down and start sobbing in front of him every time you talk, then he will start avoiding you. Stay strong and make sure that make sure that you know what to say to make him want you back, before laying it all out in the open.

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